Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hi everyone!! I am Alejandra Martìnez, I study Anthropology at University of Chile, I am in second year and want to get the major in Physical Anthropology.... last year I wanted get the major in Archeology, but through the last year I knew more about "the biological side" (specialy with Evolution) of our career and I knew what I want to be... so I chenge my mind.
I hope all of you (classmates of english 3) like what i'll write here!


PD: I accept all the comments, so post here!


  1. Hello Alejandra, wellcome to the word of the blogs.
    I'll be waiting for your next comment.


  2. Hi Alejandra!, the physical anthropology is very interesting =D, but I think that you should consider study to archeology again, jaja!

    Well, see you!

  3. Hi Alejandra. Very nice.

    But you forgot to include what you wanted to achieve with blogs!

    You get 1.5 points out of 2.

